Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Introducing....(drum roll)....Gabriel Charles Fuller

Yesterday I got to come home from the hospital. I am so thankful that I worked out and ran up until two weeks ago. Generally after a cesarean they make you stay four to five days after the surgery. When I had Liam, I had to stay five days. I recovered so quickly I got to come home early :) Its not that the hospital was bad I just wanted to go home (mostly because Nick said Liam was having nightmares and wasn't sleeping, I missed my buddy). So now I am back home and doing good. Gabe is sleeping like a champ that I almost don't know what to do with myself. I am not saying he sleeps through the night but I generally get 6 hours of sleep (including naps) not bad. This birth obviously went much better than Liam's. I went in on Saturday at 7:30 am, they got me ready, and my 9:53 I had a new baby. My nurses were awesome. I love Mercy Gilbert (its a Catholic hospital). If we ever move, I will find a way to go there if I ever have to go to the hospital. My anesthesiologist asked if he could pray with us before they took me back to surgery. He is not LDS but it was very refreshing to have him do that. I felt better afterwards anyway. My day nurse loved the name we choose and told me all about the angel Gabriel and how amazing God is. My night nurse made Gabe (that's what we are calling him) I cute little name tag for his crib with a quote underneath. It is sad that more places aren't affiliated with any sort of religion. Especially hospitals. Isn't that where we need religion the most? Anyway, back to my surgery. I had a spinal block which was kinda scary because it goes right into the spinal cord and if it goes in just a hair in the wrong spot you can be paralyzed for the rest of your life. Luckily it went in right. I do have a pretty good size bruise on my back where it went in. As soon as the spinal block went in my feet and legs went numb. It took about a minute for my lower abdomen to go numb, still pretty fast. Nick came in and they started the surgery. He was able to see the whole thing this time. So gross. But if he can handle it why not. The only thing I could feel was the pressure of them pulling the baby out. The worse was smelling my flesh being burned by a laser, too bad they can't give you something for that. It almost made me wish that they would have completely knocked me unconscious. Nick cut the cord and him and Gabe went to the nursery to get cleaned up. I stayed for about 15 minutes while they closed me back up. They used this new product called dermabond instead of stitches and/or staples. It helps the cut heal faster and cleaner. The nurse told me its like super glue and in a few weeks it will just peel off. Weird. Anyway I was awake in the recovery room and got to be with Gabe really fast (with Liam I was so exhausted that I passed out after the surgery so I couldn't be with him for an hour). I feel blessed that everything went so well and that I have another cute little boy at home. Boys are the best.


Jen Perkins said...

Good job at making another cute baby, momma. I've thought about you lots this week and hope you are doing great. I'll be calling you when we get home!

Stephanie said...

I'm so glad everything went so well! Good nurses are essential! He so cute and I love the name!