Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My Worse Nightmare!

These past couple of days have been interesting ones. I call Lisa a couple times throughout the day to see if anything has happened with her, meaning contractions. She seemingly replies with "yeah I had one or two but nothing too serious, nothing worth timing." We went to the doctor on Monday for a checkup and they said her body still has some work to do. The nurse whispered something in her ear as we were leaving. When we got in the car I asked what she said, Lisa replied "she just told me to have a lot of sexy time." With that said.....

I am all for trying to help this baby come out asap. I recommend that her and I walk every night. As a matter of fact when we went walking on Monday night, I decided we needed to go at a fast pace. For some reason I thought this would speed things up. So without telling Lisa, I was speed walking and sure enough she had some strong contractions on the walk. During the contractions I was like "you need to walk faster, it will help." I am guess my theory didn't work, since no baby yet.

This morning I recommended we try the nurses advice. Lisa was up for it and so we proceeded to do the deed. About a minute into it I look down and see some stuff on my thing. In my head I am like "what the f is that?" and "is this baby related?" I didn't think much of it until another minute passed and then it was grossing me out. I stopped and Lisa was like "what?" I say "what's this on me?" She looked and said "Umm I am not sure but I think that might be my mucous plug." First, I about threw up in my mouth as I walked away and said "I am done," then went to the bathroom to clean up. All I could hear in the background is Lisa laughing, which didn't help!

This was my worse nightmare!!! Ever since learning about that damn thing I've been totally grossed out by it. I guess this is what I get for asking her for the past month if it has come out. Guess I don't have to ask anymore. It will never be the same.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I remembered

Really I never forgot my password, as Lisa said, I was just never really good about posting life events. Maybe I should be more touchy feely like they taught us at our birthing class. First of all, for those thinking about going to a birthing class, don't waste your time. When they had us all sit down and rub each other, I thought this is so awkward. They made the ladies get on all fours, then had us get behind them and squeeze their hips. Some guy said "isn't this what got us all here?" I thought that was the highlight of the class. Lisa was mad because I slept the first 20 minutes, but who wants to hear about mucous plugs anyways?

My job with Edward Jones is going good. I've pondered a lot about how time consuming and tough it is to create a business from scratch. It will all work out in the end or else I am going to choke somebody for lying to me about the position. I am excited about being a Dad but ask me again in 3 weeks and that might change. Lisa and I have disagreed on names but I think we finally found one we both like. She made fun of a childhood book I wrote when I was in 4th grade. It starred two boys, one named Thunder and one name Jackson.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Catching up

I just finished looking at a bunch of my friends blogs and thought two things (a) why hasn't Kerri posted anything since last October and (b) why don't Nick and I keep up with our blog? Well I don't know why Kerri never writes anything but I do know why Nick and I don't. Nick forgot his password and I don't want to give him mine (Is this selfish or childish? I am not sure. I like having my stuff and I don't share well). I haven't blogged because so much has happened and I don't know where to start.

So here is a run down of everything that has happened since January in no particular order:
Nick and I found out we were having a baby (still no name and suggestions are always accepted), I got fired from my job as soon as I told them I was pregnant, we settled with my company outside of court so that now I don't really have to work till next April, We bought a new car, Molly has started to really like Nick and will even give him kisses, I am dying of boredom and wished I had a job (although I am not sure what I want to do now), My mom had open heart surgery and is recovering really well, Nick's grandma passed away :(, We spent 4th of July up in Greer with all of Nick's immediate family (I think there was 24 of us total in two cabins), and last week we went to Wisconsin for my cousin Tim's wedding. And I think that is everything.

In three weeks, hopefully sooner, Nick and I will have a new addition to our family. We call him No Name Fuller or Chince (our dads' names combined Charles + Vince). We are really struggling with names. I can't take Nick seriously anymore after he suggested Thunder. Really? I am not naming my kid Thunder.

Yesterday we attended a birthing class at St Joe's. At the beginning of the class we all had to go around and give our names and say one thing we like about being pregnant. I was the last one in class to go and I was honest. I hate being pregnant. Seriously is that wrong? I don't think so. I want my body back. Nick was mad at my answer. But it was true. Pregnancy is not my thing. Anyway I learned a lot and well Nick slept most of the morning and thought all the relaxation techniques were "gay". I am planning on trying to have a "natural" delivery without any pain meds. However after seeing some of the births, I might chicken out last minute. We will have to see how strong I am when the time comes.

I will try and be better at this. Hopefully Nick will remember his password and post some things too. Also once I find my camera thingy that lets me download pictures, I will post some. Until then Adios :P