Monday, August 27, 2012

What happens when the husband is away

I let...let me repeat myself...I allowed Nick to go to his Mission Reunion this past weekend up in Utah. He left Friday around lunch and got home late Sunday Night. Looking back, it might not have been a good idea. Stuck with an almost 2 year old and a 3 month old??!! By myself??!!! AHHHHH!!! No really it wasn't that bad but it was hard. Luckily my mom came over and helped out. She had this crazy idea to paint my kitchen while Nick was away. It took over 24 hours but we did it. My mom's the best!


Don't mind the mess.

Its amazing what you can do with $200 bucks. Now we just need new countertops and a new island and my kitchen will finally be complete!!

Oh and here are some new pictures of the boys.

Notice how Gabe is so serious and Liam is always smiling?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

THOSE KIDS ARE SO CUTE!!! And I can't decide who Gabe looks like but I love his big lips and permanent scowl :)