Monday, December 22, 2008

Well you see I've been busy...

It's a good excuse, right? Truth be told its really, really slow at work this week and Nick never lets me use the computer at home. I still don't know how that works. It's my computer and I pay the bill. Whatever. A lot has happened since I last posted anything. The new house and jobby have actually been keeping me busy. Plus my husband and dog are pretty demanding to. I don't know how people with kids do it. So much has happened that I don't even know where to start. I wanted to blog about Susan. But the thought of writing about her made me want to cry. Maybe one day when I am not too emotional, I will dedicate a whole post to her and how amazing she was as a friend. I also wanted to post about Jen's wedding. My family being in town. Getting to see my Nana. Putting my good ole' Jasmin to sleep, I will probably dedicate a whole post to her too, she was a good dog. Amber's baby shower. Visiting my brother in San Antonio...the list could go on forever. A lot has happened and at the moment I don't know where to begin. Since this week will be slow, I will try and blog the last few months out. I hope people are still reading. There will be some juicy stuff on the way...not really sorry.

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